Anatomy Dissection of Hearts and Brains

This week, Mrs.Futch’s Senior and Junior class of Anatomy students dissected sheep hearts and brains. After thoroughly learning the anatomy and physiology of a heart, we got to dissecting. We were able to find the left and right atriums, left and right ventricles, the interventricular septum, and so much more. Due to the senior year coming to an end so soon, we were unable to go in depth on the anatomy and physiology of the brain, but Mrs. Futch walked us through how to properly cut into each of the organs. She described the function and purpose of each one. Overall, It was definitely a cool experience that many other science classes don’t get to participate in. Although, it didn’t smell the best. Having hands on projects like this one makes learning anatomy much easier. Dissecting these organs gives students the opportunity to truly understand and see how your body works.