Senior Spotlight: Sophia Boatright


Grade Started at Ascension: Pre-k 3

Favorite Memory at Ascension: The entire sophomore trip

Favorite Teacher at Ascension: Mr. Anderson

Future Plans: Major in biology and hopefully go to Belmont Abbey

We asked Sophia a few questions…

Advice to give to the younger grades: “Don’t procrastinate, but enjoy your high school years”

Favorite meme: “You almost made me drop my croissant”

Favorite Animal: Dog (preferably a German Shepherd)

Favorite movie: Spider-Man Homecoming

What is your favorite show? Supernatural

What is your favorite part about playing tennis? “The people you meet and the friends you make while playing”

If you could be a famous person for a day who would you be? Kendall Jenner

How old were you when you started tennis? 4 years old

What is your favorite tennis racquet brand and why? “Babolat because they give power and spin”