With December, the excitement of Christmas begins; however, one thing stands between students and their Christmas break: midterm exams.
Exam reviews will be held Friday, December 13, and Monday, December 16. During both of these days, there will be a special schedule where all seven periods meet for review. All exams will be administered according to the period so that the teacher can proctor each exam.
Tuesday, December 17, students will be taking their first and second period exams. The first exam will be given from 8:30 to 10:00 a.m. followed by a 30-minute break. The second exam will be taken from 10:30 to 12:00.
Wednesday, third and fourth hour exams will be taken with the same times applied. The same schedule applies on Thursday for periods five and six. Friday is a designated exam make up day.
Junior Luke Butcher advises that students should review their old tests to help prepare them for their exams because the questions will be similar.
“Also, write down or highlight what you don’t know when you’re reviewing, this way you can review it again and not waste time reviewing stuff you already know,” said Luke.
SophomoreJenna Partimbene said, “I like making flash cards to study because it is easier to memorize facts.” She also said that she likes to just review all her notes that she has taken throughout the semester.
Bennett Anderson advised that studying in a group is the way to go because he can ask people questions to things he does not understand.
Probably one of the most important tips comes from Victoria Barzcyk:
“Don’t wait until the night before to study for an exam.”