This year’s Trunk Or Treat event was nothing short of amazing! Due to the weather, the event was moved to Wednesday instead of Thursday. On Wednesday morning, students gathered in the parking lot before school to decorate their trunks, which were so unique and decorative this year! Congratulations to the McDonald’s trunk who won most creative and the Circus trunk who won most decorated! After 1st period, students were dismissed to put on their costumes and set up the final touches before the younger kids arrived. Handing out candy to the littles is always so fun, and it is such a great experience to see how much they enjoy seeing all of the trunks and costumes. This tradition is a great event that involves students from each campus and brings them together in a fun and festive way! Thank you to everyone who participated in the event and made it possible!
Trunk or Treat 2024!
About the Contributor

CC Perry, staff writer
Hey y'all! My name is CC, and I am a junior this year. This is my second year in journalism and I'm so excited to continue writing and creating the yearbook. So far at Ascension, I've been involved in volleyball and cheer. My favorite thing about Ascension is how nice all of the students and teachers are. Outside of school, I love spending time with my friends, cheering, and shopping. I’m so excited to be returning to journalism and I can't wait to see what this year has in store!!