Own It

Being a teenager is hard. Trust me, I know. It’s a weird time in our lives when things just don’t make sense. Being a teenager is hard enough, and it’s only made harder when we feel that we must be what others want us to be. I can admit that I have fallen prey to what I felt was expected and changed myself for someone else’s comfort at one point. This was terrible, and I will passionately speak against it for the rest of my life. God made us perfectly—every aspect of us. Having learned this the hard way, I can advise you to not make excuses and reasons for why you should be anyone but yourself. 

Know that you are an amazing person and you are something the world needs to know about. The world needs the people God made—every single one of them. Without it, this world does not make sense. You are special in the best way possible. Own who you are and never be ashamed. You are exactly what God wanted here on this Earth, so own it!