Finish Strong

Finish Strong

It’s coming closer to the end of the year, and I have been under a lot of stress recently. Isn’t everyone? When something is coming to a close, it’s best to just finish strong. The race hasn’t been won until you cross the finish line. This school year is coming to an end and most of us, myself included, are looking forward to the summer. Remind yourself, though, that there is time to improve, get stronger, get smarter, and by doing that, we can ensure that we stay on track until we get to the finish line. 

It is very important for the last quarter that we finish strong and improve. Running or crawling to finish the race, it doesn’t matter. What matters is the effort. There will be storms and earthquakes in your races where, if you can’t power through, these setbacks could be detrimental to the end result. So let the first part of your race contribute to your momentum rather than adding extra weight, and finish strong. 

I know from personal experience that it’s hard to finish such a tiring race. My advice is to ask yourself what result you want at the end of your race. Apply yourself and use the necessary resources and tools to help you get the end result you want.

The race isn’t over until you cross the finish line. The school year is not over yet, so use this time to avoid all storms and earthquakes while putting the maximum effort into all you do from now until your race is over. At the same time, enjoy this moment, because, just like life, races start and come to an end.