A Recap Of The Last First Semester For The Seniors

As the end of the first semester approaches, the reality of being a senior is finally starting to settle in, and teachers and faculty around campus refuse to let us forget that the end of our high school careers is quickly creeping up. Application deadlines, college visits, and scholarships are a few of the many responsibilities that have been overwhelming the class of 2022. In light of this anticipated realization, I asked a few of my classmates what they have been thinking, how they’ve been preparing for this upcoming change, and what they are looking forward to in terms of life after high school.

When asking Emma Caswell and Elise Cope on a scale of 1-10 how excited they are to graduate, Emma said 10, and Elise said 12. Pierson Peebles says that after high school, he is most looking forward to really living life to the fullest. Abby Domingue says her favorite part about being a senior is “the fact that we are the ‘big dogs’ on campus and that we are able to be leaders for the underclassmen.” On the other hand, her least favorite part about being a senior is “the fact that we have to get ready for college and become adults.”  And finally, when asking Landon Meche what’s getting him through this last stretch of being a high school student, he said, “The fact that I will never go through senior year of high school ever again.” 

Personally, I am also excited for life after high school, but so far, this year has already been filled with many great memories. I think the second semester will be even more memorable with winter and spring sports starting up, pep rallies, senior prom, drive-in movies, and many more fun Ascension traditions. While the excitement around college life and more freedom are hard to ignore, I always try to remind myself to soak in the little time I have left in high school and enjoy each day. I think I speak for everyone when I say that time really does fly by, and it’s important to never take anything for granted.