Senior Spotlight: Maleah Domengeaux

Name: Maleah Domengeaux

Grade Started at Ascension: 8th grade

Favorite Teacher: Coach D

Favorite Ascension Memory: Going to all the Friday Night Football games to cheer on the Blue Gators, her dad, and her brothers because nothing compares to the spirit and joy on game nights.

Future Plans: She plans to attend LSU in the fall–she isn’t sure what she is majoring in yet, but she wants to make a positive impact on others and the community.

Maleah Domengeaux participates in many sports, including swimming, soccer, and track. She competes in the 400 and pole vaulting for track, and in soccer, her team made it to the semi-finals last year. She hadn’t played soccer for 13 years, so going out on the field and competing with a team full of girls, making it to the semi-finals, was exciting and surreal. In swimming, Ascension’s team has made it to state for the past few years, winning last year, and she thought going to state was an amazing experience. Maleah described her time at state last year by saying, “The moment was priceless when our team found out we were State Champions, and this year we have a very young team, but we have all been working super hard and look forward to going to State again.”

Maleah is also the Academic Prefect, and enjoys being involved with leadership.  Leadership is a class of juniors and seniors that plan important events and are in charge of school spirit activities. This year, she is in charge of planning the Academic Pep Rally, a huge event near the end of the year that acknowledges students’ academic achievements with fun games and skits. She is incredibly excited to start planning and putting together an event that everyone will enjoy. Maleah loves having the opportunity to plan memorable events and work behind the scenes because it is so rewarding to watch people have fun and make memories during their high school careers. Her favorite part of leadership so far is last year’s Academic pep rally planning, when the leadership team got to test out all kinds of fun games and sleep over in the school the night before the pep rally so they would be ready for the next morning. When asked about her experiences in leadership, Maleah said, “The friends I made and the entire process of planning and watching everything come together is such an amazing and rewarding experience.”