First YL of the Year!


picture credit: Chelsie Guidry

Ascension students from freshman to seniors all love to be a part of this amazing group called Young Life. Once a week this group gets together at someone’s house, has a dance party, eats, plays games, and at the end of the night, the counselors read a Bible verse and share a story. Ascension and Lafayette High have clubs together, making it twice the fun. The whole point of Young Life is to get everyday high school students more involved with God. Young Life is led by Chelsie Guidry, and Hillary Sellers along with her husband, “Juicy J.”

September 19 was the very first Young Life club to kick off the new school year! This was biggest club turnout yet, with the whopping 89 people who showed up! So many new faces were welcomed by Marielissa Perez, as she yelled through a bull horn at everyone who walked in. After many songs of dancing, laughing, and singing, Addie Vidrine bought Canes for everyone, which was devoured in about five minutes.

During the skit, the seniors were sad to realize that their last first Young Life was already upon them. Thankfully, the mood was lightened by seniors Ann Louise Babineaux and Alaina Hardy, or should I say JoJo and MoMo, as they performed a funny skit making everyone laugh. Ann Louise Babineaux’s thoughts on the First Young Life of the school year was “I had the best time of my life… even though I broke my toe on a chair.” Next Young Life club will be on October 9th!