Post Prom Review

On April 8, Ascension held its Junior/Senior Prom at the Le Triomphe Clubhouse from 8:00 to 10:30. This year, instead of prefects and class leaders setting up prom, the sophomore class was is in charge. This allowed the juniors and seniors who would normally be responsible for setting up and taking down to have the full prom experience, which everyone greatly appreciated. This years theme was a Masquerade, and many students added masks to their normal prom attire.
Many people, including junior Mac Kelly, enjoyed the DJ this year because “he played more than the traditional dance songs, offering a variety of things to sing and dance to.” Some other fun things at prom include the photo booth located in the corner of the room with many props to choose from, the large dessert table, and Mr. Walker breathalyzing everyone on the way in and out. Also, Laurel Guidry is missing a shoe with a gold bow on it and if anyone has it, she would like it back. A fun time was had by all!