

Senioritis: a supposed affliction of students in their final year of high school or college, characterized by a decline in motivation or performance. Whether you are an older and more experienced adult looking back on your high-school times from decades ago, or you are a current attendee of a grade level school like me, there is no doubt that senioritis owns and possesses a large role in every school. Teachers warn twelfth graders of it as they enter their final year of schooling, and administrators respectfully decline its existence to any and all. As a current senior, I can not deny the actuality of this constraining feeling that jumps on older students out of nowhere and burdens them with a lack of drive and desire to achieve anything school related.

Now, just because I believe that senioritis is a thing doesn’t mean I believe I have it. Some students find this harder to fight than others, but I guarantee that from time to time, you won’t want to type that Authored Ascension article due a certain week and you’ll be more than happy to throw in your lack of time left at the campus as your main premise of argument.