Senior Spotlight: Josh Lugo


Name: Joshua Lugo

Grade Started at Ascension: Pre-K3

Favorite Teacher: Auntie Bourque  

Favorite Ascension Memory: Leading the Little Red Wagon Chant at football games or being Batman for the 2021 Homecoming Superhero Day

Future Plans: “Tryna survive and live in the moment. Whatever life throws at me” 

Joshua Lugo has gone to Ascension since Pre-K3, but many of his friends call him Lugo. Lugo’s favorite Ascension memories are leading the Little Red Wagon Chant at football games and dressing up as Batman for the Superhero Day during the 2021 Homecoming Week. While being at Ascension, Lugo has been involved with the basketball team since 5th grade, and he has been very devoted to basketball in high school. He was also a member of the tennis team.

His favorite class was marketing during his junior year, and in that class they learned about what exactly persuaded you to buy or do something by being involved in creating ads and commercials. He also enjoyed getting to watch Shark Tank to “study” marketing strategies.

During his free time, he stays away from his house more often than not because he cannot sit still. Lugo enjoys working out and going out eat with his friends or just hanging out with anyone who wants to go eat. One fun fact about Lugo is that he is Puerto Rican, and he can speak and understand Spanish completely. Lugo also says about himself: “I have 2 nails on one toe. No context.” A secret talent of his is that he is really good at the eight-ball pool game on the phone.

When Josh was asked to give advice to the underclassmen he said, “Be brave and get out of your bubble. Take every opportunity you can get. You only have high school for 4 years so why not take advantage of it. I remember I was scared as an underclassman. But it takes courage to step out of your comfort zone. With doing that, your going to see failure. But with failure comes learning. I had the courage to out of my comfort zone, and it was the biggest difference maker and the reason I am the way I am today.”

The best advice that stuck with him was when Ms. Beth Acevado said, “If you’re going to be late, be late with food.” Lugo said his favorite thing about Ascension is that “The students are like my family. Most students in my grade have been together most of our lives so we have seen each other’s failures and successes. The students here love each other, and it’s not just a friend group type of connection but like a cousin to cousin friendship.” Lugo will always be remembered as the goofball kid who always showed his love for Ascension.